Aibo Accessories

Aibo ERS-11x Ears: 3D Printed


Part Design: ERS-11x Ear (2x)

Material & Process: SLA 3D Printed in a tough acrylic resin @ 100µm layer thickness

Available Colors: Grey, Translucent Blue

Notes: Design based on the original parts but updated by the Aibo Accessories Design Studio to eliminate the rubber backing that breaks down on the 25 year old originals. These ears utilize a hinged design between each link for flexibility, similar to how a metal watch bracelet works, and are designed to snap apart if aibo falls on them. The links can easily be snapped back together.

These ears are a complete replacement and snap onto the ear nub of your aibo, just like the originals, so none of the original ear parts are required to let your ERS-11x finally feel complete.

Due to the 3D printed nature of the part, small circular vestiges may remain on the parts after processing. These can be trimmed with sharp scissors or an x-acto knife, or sanded with 1000 grit wet/dry paper.

Can be sanded and painted to desired color or left in their natural color. 

Installation Instructions: See our Knowledge Base for installation instructions

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